
All you need to know about a gondola ride in Venice

Everyone knows what a gondola is, mainly because of its shape, so sinuous and long, and also extremely fascinating... but what you actually know about a gondola ride in Venice?

A lot of people think that taking a gondola ride is too expensive and maybe that it’s something only tourists do, but, in reality, both of the things aren’t true.

We would like to share with you some useful information regarding gondola rides in Venice, by answering some of the most frequent questions people ask the web and at our reception desk.

Let’s start.

How much is a gondola ride in Venice?

This is usually the first question we are asked because the rumors about gondola tours say that a lot of people can’t afford it.

Gondola Ride in Venice

Let’s reveal how much a gondola ride costs for real. The price for a gondola tour is 80 euros if you book it before sunset or 100 euro if you want it after and during sunset. The price isn’t per person but per gondola, which means that if you’re in Venice with your family, it won’t be 80 or 100 euros per person but for the entire family.

Where to pick up a gondola in Venice?

The places where gondolas start their route are distributed all over Venice, and they are called “stazi”.

The closest “stazio” to our hotel is located next to the beautiful Ca’ d’Oro palace, where you can also take a gondola just to cross the canal and get faster to the Rialto’s market, paying only 2 euros per person.

Walking around the city, you’ll notice that there are several places where you can take a gondola ride, especially when you gradually get closer to St. Mark’s Square. But, we can also book a gondola tour for you at the reception if you want.

How long is a gondola ride in Venice?

The answer is: it depends. A gondola ride can last 30 minutes or 1 hour, but it’s up to you. The prices we reported here are related to an hour tour.

Gondola Ride in Venice

You can also ask the gondolier to take to some specific place you would like to see, according to his possibilities.
One of the most requested tours is the one through the Grand Canal or under the famous and iconic bridge of sight, which connects the Doge’s palace to the prisons.

Is a gondola ride for you?

A gondola ride isn’t just a couple’s kind-of-thing, but an experience to visit the city differently.

In the past, Venetians used to get on a gondola to go everywhere in the city, because the real soul of Venice is between is canals and not on its streets were just the people from the lowest classes used to walk.